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标题: the Chinese postal history [打印本页]

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-5 08:17     标题: the Chinese postal history

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

I think that we have had a good discussion about the use of STAMP or STAMPS before the FORUM, and finally we came to a common agreement. But we still have some different suggestions to use CHINA or CHINESE in CHINA STAMP & POSTAL HISTORY FORUM, I believe this is not easy to come to a conclusion because the two words CHINA and CHINESE used here are mutually inclusive, but somehow they are also mutually exclusive.

I would like to show a Cover which,I believe, only belongs to CHINESE POSTAL HISTORY ,not CHINA POSTAL HISTORY , this is one example of many Chinese Letters which have nothing to do with China Post Office ( or any China Post Authorities), I call them CHINESE POSTAL HISTORY or OVERSEAS CHINESE POSTAL HISTORY only.

The letter was wriiten in 22nd February 1882(Chinese Luna Calendar), only the receiver’s address is in English for delivery, all others are Chinese, and in the front of cover is the receiver’s hangdwritting “answered in 25th February 1882”.


The following words are from website for the background of this letter, the majority of these Chinese left New Zealand for hometown in China with enough money ( as they thought). The people in this letter are some of them stayed in New Zealand, we call them FIRST GENERATION OF CHINESE IMMIGRANTS.

In New Zealand, the Otago goldfields attracted the first batch of organised Chinese migrant workers. They were recruited by the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce when European miners left Otago for the newly discovered West Coast goldfields. There were particular reasons for choosing Chinese people: they were thought to be hardworking, inoffensive, and willing to rework abandoned claims, and they preferred to return eventually to their homeland. In 1866, the first 12 men arrived from Victoria, Australia. By late 1869 over 2,000 Chinese men had come to the land they would call the ‘New Gold Mountain’.

Early immigrants came from the Pearl River delta area in Guangdong province. Most (67%) were from Panyu county; the rest were from Siyi, Zengcheng, Dongguan and Zhongshan. These counties are located around the city of Canton (Guangzhou).

Although most men were married, their wives remained at home to look after the men’s parents. Chinese women seldom migrated to New Zealand and the sex ratio of the community was extremely unbalanced. For example, there were only nine women to 4,995 men in 1881 ? the year that saw the highest numbers of Chinese in New Zealand prior to the Second World War.

图片附件: 2.JPG (2014-11-7 02:29, 78.02 KB) / 下载次数 52

作者: 卡卡    时间: 2014-11-5 09:14

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑


作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-6 15:43

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑
卡卡 发表于 2014-11-5 09:14

Thank you, you are the only yell to me here.

This is the letter I lost bidding in the postal auction with great regret. After the auction, I had tried to find out who was the winner with a hope to have a chance to have it, but the winner is a New Zealand local collector, and he had no intention to release it.

By comparision with the China Post Histry at same time, you will see that nearly all China local post or custom mails were for foreigners, the collections we are keen to hunt are all in foreign language, but  this foreign post history is in Chinese Charactors, so I call this one is a 100% pure Chinese Post History.

It is so hard to find a  so early Overseas Chinese Post,  I spent  some time to talk to the auction person for some information and photos, just for this new Forum.

I hope people here will enjoy it, although this letter is not as valuable as a China Post, but it is a rare opportunity to know the Overseas Chinese Post Histry.

作者: 卡卡    时间: 2014-11-6 16:16

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 3# hart

Thank you!

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2014-11-6 16:46

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 3# hart

Sorry, I put all my focus on InterAsia auction these days. Others may have the similar situation, so we missed your post.
Would you please share the photo/information again?

作者: true    时间: 2014-11-6 19:15

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 3# hart

   I didn't reply to your post however i do appreciate your effort on this and other posts.
I do agree on your point that Chinese postal history is used when this doesn't involve china post office/system.

I believe there are lot of people like me do appreciate people like you who spend time to open and/or reply post to share their knowledge and opinion, we are just struggling with English as second language therefore become silent.

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-7 03:55

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 6# true



Mr Jiang Songsheng
22nd February 1882

Dear sir

   I trust all has been well with you since we parted company yesterday,when  I was around Manuherika to collect my money. You mentioned that Zhaokai  visited  his western official often for the friendship. You also talked about the death of my friend. I wonder if his related matters have been dealed with properly. I heard that a tea freight ship would arrive/had arrived in Wellington port and would return to my home country. I also heard that the shipping cost was very reasonable, could this be  true? I would be very graterfull if you could clarify these matters for me.  Please write to me c/o Canglai, who will forward your letter to me. I am much obliged to you for your help.

Wish you all good future

Kind regards

Lin Yuxiu

图片附件: 新西兰1.JPG (2014-11-7 03:54, 41.1 KB) / 下载次数 48

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2014-11-7 05:28

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 7# hart
I could not understand the original Chinese letter with the classical style of writing, but I can understand your English translation.  Good job.  

There is a typo.  The word of aboue on the second row should be about. Right?

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-7 10:15

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑
回复  hart
I could not understand the original Chinese letter with the classical style of writing, ...
williamzhang 发表于 2014-11-7 05:28

    thank you

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2014-11-7 11:50

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

回复 9# hart

Thank you for sharing this letter and take time to translate so that we all can understand it.
It is very important part of Chinese Postal History. I just read another letter about the Chinese immigration in Cuba. Both letters show how hard these pioneers work overseas. These letters recorded a period of history.

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2014-11-7 12:03

本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑

I do not know how to translate “家书抵万金”. When reading these letters, I always try to image the writer's feeling and receiver's feeling.
Many people left their hometowns and families, they hope they could find good fortune overseas. Many people could not back hometown, letters are the only way to deliver the message to their love ones.

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-7 13:27

本帖最后由 hart 于 2014-11-7 14:10 编辑

回复 11# 假师爷


I phoned the auction manager to get more information about the cover, and I was told not to try  get this cover because the person on the  letter was  a very famous person in New Zeraland, and his other postal covers were sold for a very high price in Asia, he was a first New Zealander exported the sheeps to Europ, his family have been so famous.

Then I started  to search the owner of the letter under  the manager suggestion, my God, I was astonished by the information I got, the person  Zhaokai mentioned in the letter is 徐公肇开,and this letter was to his family,  I read and heard so many stories about him and his family, not in New Zealand but all of the world. Please the below is the information I adapted :
作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-7 13:28

回复 12# hart


Sew Hoy's Story:

Born in 1838, the son of a farmer, Choie Sew Hoy was raised in his ancestral village of Sha Kong (She Gang) [Altar Hill]. Sha Kong, which then had only about 200 inhabitants, is 20 km north of Canton (Guangzhou) in the Upper Panyu (Poon Yue) district of Kwangtung (Guangdong) Province in China.

After gold was found in California, Australia and New Zealand, many families in Cantonese villages sent young men out to the Gold Mountain?to earn money for the family. They often went in family or regional groups, so that there was a constant stream of young Chinese men setting out and returning across the Pacific. As a young man Choie Sew Hoy first went to the goldfields of California where he worked as a miner and then to Victoria where he set up as a merchant.

In 1865 the Otago Provincial Council invited the Chinese miners of Victoria to come to the Otago goldfields. Choie Sew Hoy arrived in Otago in 1868 and set up business in Stafford Street as a merchant, supplying miners and goldfield traders. He imported goods, outfitted miners, exported fungus [muk yee] and invested widely in gold mining and water-race construction. His two sons Kum Yok and Kum Poy both came out to Otago to join their father in this family enterprise.

Choie Sew Hoy had eleven major gold mining operations, including parts of the Shotover River, and the Queen Victoria quartz mine at Macetown. In 1888 one of Choie Sew Hoy's companies built the world first successful gold dredge, to work his Big Beach claim on the Shotover River near Queenstown in Central Otago. His four dredges were the first to be able to work river flats, and could earn up to £40 a day. This revolutionised gold mining methods and started the first Otago dredging boom, using dredges based on the Sew Hoy design.

In 1894 Choie Sew Hoy and Kum Poy used their hydraulic mining experience to begin the huge Nokomai hydraulic elevating and sluicing operation in Southland. This mine became the biggest of its type in New Zealand.

Choie Sew Hoy was naturalised in 1873 and became a notable figure in both European and Chinese circles. He gave widely to charity, regularly attended race meetings and was a Freemason. He was one of the Dunedin commercial leaders who marched in William Larnach's funeral procession, campaigned to end the opium trade, and signed the illuminated address of welcome to the visiting Governor, Sir James Fergusson. By 1882 he owned freehold land in Otago and Southland worth £4,432.

The daughter of Choie Sew Hoy's dredge-master recalled him as "a well-dressed, kind gentleman who always brought gifts and sweets for her family", while his 1901 obituary in the Otago Daily Times referred to "his reputation for upright and honourable dealing".

Choie Sew Hoy was fluent in English and signed his English letters "Sew Hoy". This was mistaken for his family name and he became known to Europeans in New Zealand as "Mr Sew Hoy" and "Charles Sew Hoy".

Choie Sew Hoy had four children by his first wife, Young Soy May. There were two daughters, Choie Chay Ho and Choie Chay May, and two sons. The two sons were Choie Kum Yok [Golden Jade] 1855-1932 and Choie Kum Poy [Golden Upholder]

Choie Sew Hoy had two children by his second wife, the New Zealand-born Eliza Prescott (1869-1909), who had worked for him as an English secretary. They were Violet Eliza Kum Fon [Golden Phoenix] Sew Hoy, born in 1892, and Henry William Kum Loon [Golden Dragon] Sew Hoy, born in 1895.

Choie Sew Hoy was always concerned for the welfare of people from the Pan Yu and he was a leading member of the Cheong Shing Tong - the welfare group which cared for the poor and elderly among them. It operated from his store in Stafford Street. In 1883 Choie Sew Hoy helped organise the sending of the bodies of 230 miners back to China for burial at ancestral sites. He died in 1901 and unfortunately his own body was part of a second shipment of 498 former miners, which was lost at sea, when the Ventnor sank off Hokianga in 1902. Choie Sew Hoy's biographer Dr James Ng notes,"It is still remembered, however, that he wished to be buried in the Cheong Shing Tong's cemetery in Upper Panyu, with the bodies of otherwise friendless former associates buried around him."

By the start of the 21st
Century Choie Sew Hoy had well over four hundred direct descendants, not only in China and New Zealand but also spread around the world.

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-7 13:34

本帖最后由 hart 于 2014-11-7 13:39 编辑

回复 13# hart


Choie Sew Hoy's Story 徐公肇開奮鬥史


Choie Sew Hoy in his mandarin's robes


淘金者到美國去。他到了那裡看過情況後就認為很難致富。於是又轉到了澳州的新金山去,在維多利亞 (VICTORIA)


商店。但仍不甚理想,又隨同那時由維多利亞轉來紐西蘭淘金的華人,於一八六九年來到了丹衣頓 (DUNEDIN)。他的


(OTAGO) 的華人礦工卻以禺北人為多,有了鄉親的關係,作起事來就比較容易得多,遂在丹衣頓 (DUNEDIN)


因此就贏得了鄉親們的敬仰。他的連鎖店曾一度遍佈歐他高 (OTAGO) 各大礦區,他設在丹衣頓 DUNEDIN

STAFFORD STREET,的總店則一直延至今天。他較早時期也曾出口木耳到香港和廣州去,但以所在地離生產區較遠,





公司,組成後則定製機器并選擇地區。該公司選定在 SHOTOVER 河裡一屬名為大沙灘 (BIG BEACH) 為礦場,

所以就名為大沙灘金礦公司。 (BIG BEACH MINING COMPANY) 採用斛斗式 (BUCKET TYPE) 的挖泥機淘金。


一八八九年一月試機,同年四月正式投入生產,位在 ARTHUR POINT 橋的南邊,是 QUEENSTOWN –

ARROWTOWN 大道所經。那條河灘水面數尺下的淤積層中就聚有黃金。早於一八七零年間,

這塊地方本就有中國人以 SAN SING TON COMPANY 名義批下來的了,亦曾先後有過若干團隊的西人開採過。



成績,至此該公司所採用的斛斗式機,在當時歐他高 (OTAGO) 地區裡壹百七十餘部淘金機中還是最成功的一種。




大沙灘公司結束後,徐肇開繼而組織另一用水壓力沖洗淘金公司,名為 NOKOMAI HYDRAULIC SLUICING COMPANY

不消說,他是最大的股東,自然也是他來領導,用上了他的次子金培為秘書協助處理。這公司由一八九八年在 GARSTON

開採,到一九二六年又移到 LOIN FLAT NOKOMAI STATION 的地面上去,在那裡直幹到一九四二年藏金量漸少,


公里的渠道,(後來延伸到八十三公里) NEVIS RIVER上游引水到礦場使用,這綿長宛近山嶺間的水道,要派人日夜不停地


(看水龍人,就是沿水線行的巡邏者) 他說:將這水道分作若干段,每段一人管理,有小房子一間,為看管的人起居住處,



(燃油料的玻璃罩燈) 與偕,如於指定地點沒有遇上對面行來的人,則要繼續前行,務求相遇以了解真相,概恐有意外發生。


肇開公除了貫注精神於事業外,也兼顧到鄉情與僑情,一八八二年間,他曾以最高的捐款數額 (四十英鎊)




運回故鄉安葬。那次共捐得義款四千英鎊,而掘起的骸骨則有五百具之數,以歐他高 (OTAGO) 和西海岸

(WEST COAST) 二地掘起者為多。一九零一年徐肇開不幸去世。一九零二年昌義堂運先友骸骨回籍時,

那艘 S S VENTNOR 船上就同時載有徐肇開的遺體,不幸的 S S VENTNOR 船那次途徑 HOKIANGA 外海時觸礁沉沒了,



再運先友骸骨回籍之舉。在新西蘭箭城(Arrow town)博物管介紹了不少肇開公及其早年華僑的事跡,



Eliza Sew Hoy (nee Prescott) 1869-1909, and her children Violet (1892-1972) and Henry (1895-1970) Sew Hoy. Eliza widow clothing suggests the photo may have been taken at the time of Choie Sew Hoy death in Dunedin in 1901


hoie Sew Hoy & Eliza Prescott late 1880s


Sew Hoy Building Stafford street, Dunedin (with orinal frontage) in1938. The sigh shown on the coverof this book is hang to the left of the door. The door signs read "Sew Hoy" and "Nokomai Mining Company".
位于Stafford street, Dunedin的肇開大樓, 大門左上角掛著的正是本族譜用來作封面招牌

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作者: 假师爷    时间: 2014-11-7 14:47

Very good information. It is amazing to know so many information from the letter.
Thanks for sharing.
作者: vera888    时间: 2014-11-8 17:47

Now ,I Know what's the difference between Chinese Postal History and China Postal History

作者: hart    时间: 2014-11-9 05:56

回复 16# vera888

    Good on you, mate !
You must be a well qualified and good teacher, and will be better, I believe .

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