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标题: What's your opinion on this guy's blog? [打印本页]

作者: markringo    时间: 2015-9-7 10:39     标题: What's your opinion on this guy's blog?

本帖最后由 markringo 于 2015-9-7 19:16 编辑

the link:

I've noticed this guy's posts and articles since 2011~2012, he claims that he live in USA and I don't doubt it (since I managed to find someone in Boston who knows him), he puts lot of focus on identifying and exposing fake stamps (which I strongly support this type of posts, initially).  But the problem is, some of his posts, (or most of) seems too radical and somehow to me he has no knowledge of identifying stamps, although some of methods are correct, but the way he make conclusion is ridiculous to me.

Main points are:

1. He can just grab some pics from eBay or Taobao and claims they are fake because of the color (like this one). (他可在易贝或淘宝上截取之图片的颜色中断定票之真假,见下图之红印花)


He claims that this red revenue is fake because it looks "too new" (aka 没有百年历史陈迹感!)。notice a typo in his phrase.

2. He always asserted that fake stamps are everywhere and genuine ones are rare (e.g. he thinks & publishes his idea that there are only 5~6 thousands genuine red revenues in existence) and use it as one of his reason to identify stamps. (他的一个强观点是古典假票甚多,然后以一种类似先入为主的态度来断定其他邮票的真假)

3. He regards his methods as "the sixth sense" in one of his post and argued that even his judgement is wrong there is no excuse for it ("宁可错杀一千也不放过一张假票")in replying a comment from a visitor.

4. He mostly rejects all disagreements from his visitors (those comments are about his identification), and declares in public that "some people are afraid of my posts because those posts are hurting their nerves"(“我的文章刺痛了某些人的神经") and seems be proud of it. Is this a kind of paranoid?

5. He rarely tried identifying franked covers and postal histories, all his post are about "stamps" and identifying them from colors and overprints based on his use of his precious "USB digital microscope". (他极少发表鉴定封片简的文章)

Well anyway his other posts, some more like introductory or education-oriented, are generally good enough. Maybe he comes to this forum and see this thread but whatever...

Just curious what's your guys opinion on this one?

图片附件: 6608687206515111647.jpg (2015-9-7 10:13, 54.13 KB) / 下载次数 52

作者: zhang_jv    时间: 2015-9-7 17:16

I have focus his blog about Monkey stamp `s Real or Fake last year.But unluckly he got the wrong conclusion.He seems superstitious to his devices and frankly he has the perfect devices. However,he need to get more and more stamps, and give a conclusion. Now  his blog seems to include too many chinese stamps `region,  but I don`t think it is easy to become an expert in one.

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